Smart, Successful & Still Single?

Let us introduce you to the man of your dreams!

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You're intelligent, accomplished, and active. And you deserve someone equally amazing!

But meeting that special someone organically just hasn't panned out. Bumping into Mr. Right in the produce aisle? That only happens in the movies.

Why Play "The Waiting Game" And Leave Finding Love To Chance?

When meeting someone special is a priority, it just makes sense to bring in an expert with an exclusive network of exceptional, relationship-minded men you'd never cross paths with on your own.

Imagine finally finding someone amazing who actually has the same lifestyle, values and aspirations. Someone who makes you feel lost for words, weak at the knees, perfectly enamoured.

Enamour Is Designed For Those Who Won't Settle For Less

Our elite matchmaking service was founded because there's simply nothing more important than finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

We've been at the forefront of finding love for some of the world's most exceptional individuals since 2009.

There's no other matchmaking service in the world with access to more matches who are at your level than Enamour.

Isn't it time to finally meet the man of your dreams?

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Here's How We Will Find The Perfect Catch For You

How Enamour Works


First, We Get To Know You

Your matchmaker is the first match we'll be making for you!

She will learn all about you during an in-depth conversation and compatibility profiling session. As your guide, coach, and confidant, she'll be by your side every step of the way.

This crucial stage crystalizes your ideal type and gets to the heart of what matters most to you in a long-term relationship.


Next, We Search For Your Perfect Match

Matchmaking is our passion, so you can relax with the peace of mind that your search for love is in expert hands.

Our matchmakers utilize relationship psychology, personality profiling, and intuition. And they also leverage our proprietary recruiting tech, data science, and AI to ensure no stone is left unturned in the search for your perfect match.

During this highly selective scouting phase, we thoroughly vet potential matches to find the man you've always wanted to meet. We screen every potential match in person or via video to get to know the real him.

We ask the difficult first, second, and third date questions before you meet... so you can stop wasting time with the wrong people.

After all, you can waste years of your life with the wrong men simply because you keep meeting the wrong men. You deserve better!


Now It's Time To Meet Someone Special!

Let's face it... it's extremely difficult to meet a man who actually "checks all your boxes" and is looking for the same things you are.

Thanks to the unparalleled methods, effectiveness, and selectivity of our matchmakers, you can look forward to finally meeting matches with true long-term potential.

After each date, your matchmaker loves to hear about the chemistry you felt with your match, how it all went, and whether you plan to see him again.

Collecting feedback from you and your match helps us better understand what you're looking for, and it also gives us valuable insight into how to make your next first date your last first date.

Ready To Become Perfectly Enamoured?

If you're ready to finally meet that special someone, let's take the next step and see if we're a good mutual fit to work together!

Click on the button below to tell us a bit about yourself and schedule your private consultation.

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